Empty Hole
Aphrodite's Dream
Feeling Inhuman
Humans are creatures of habit. They take the same routes to work. Ride the same buses. Drink the same drinks, order the same foods, and use the same shampoo over and over again. They like stability. A ‘nine-to-five’ job, a routine before bed, a certain way they brush their hair. It’s true of older people, more than younger, but even the most rebellious of teenagers can appreciate habit. Even chaos can be habitual.
It is for this reason that I wonder if I am human. Or at least, how much of me is human. I crave change. Not disorder, or chaos, though I appreciate these things in their own right. But CHANGE. I like new things, learning, developing. Every day I wake to find that I am not the same person I was the day before, no matter how small that change might be. It might be that I’ve decided I like two scoops of sugar in my coffee, instead of the normal five. Or it could be that I wake to find that I no longer love the same person I did. Staying in the same place wears on me, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Having a static life drains me. The same job. The same food. I crave something new. ‘As changeable as the winds’, or so they say. Perhaps that’s why I dream of having wings. That I might take flight across the world at any time the fancy takes me.
Now, I’m not suggesting I’m an alien, or anything. Just that, I am not entirely the same as the rest of the human race. Perhaps I’m insane, and this is how insanity feels. Perhaps I’m some form of mutation, sans cool super-powers. Perhaps I am simply anachronistic, in the wrong time. A soul that was intended for a time long past, or yet to come, but through some mishap of fate, ended up here.
Who can be sure? There are no answers for questions like that. But one thing is certain. I crave change. And change must happen. Soon. Before my head explodes. Either the world will change and sweep me along, or I will change it on my own. But I can not abide this static world much longer.
Untiy, Not Conformity
Since when was love something you gave only to people who agree with your way of life? Since when was peace something that could only be shared between friends? When did 'love thy neighbor' become 'love they neighbor only if they are like you'? And we all do it. Maybe not intentionally. Maybe just out of instinct. Maybe out of habit. Maybe out of fear. But I want that to change.
Unity, not conformity. It means that we can all live united, even when we don't agree. It means that peace is something that doesn't have to be bought with wars. It means 'listen' and it means 'share'. It means 'no fear'. I don't want to start a major revolution. I just want people to learn to live. How much of your life is lived in fear and sorrow. And who is to blame for it? Is it your gay neighbor's fault for not living the way you do? Is it the Wicca family down the street? Is it the government making choices for you? No! These things may affect you, but only because you let them.
You can try and place the blame all you want. But you know the truth of it is that you let it get this way. It's your fault, and it's my fault, and it's every one's fault. We could have done something. But we didn't. It's time to change that. It's not to late to change. Keep an open mind. Listen to people. Listen to the world. Listen to yourself. And just think.
Unity. Not Conformity.
Fishbowl Mind
It makes me feel like my head is an overstuffed library. Filled with half finished books piled up in hallways, over flowing from shelves, and notes from pages floating around freely. Footsteps muffled by paper, and voices that are screaming to be found among the lost stacks. Ideas for novels, for poems, crafts, art, jewelry, inventions; things I want to say, things I forget about till several years later.
If I were a muse than maybe my head wouldn't feel so haphazard. I could whisper my ideas into the minds of those who have the time and skill to finish them; to care for them lovingly. Seeing my ideas brought into fruition by masters would be enough thanks for me. To see all my ideas become real.
But I am only mortal. I can not whisper, unseen, into the ears of masters. I do my best to fulfill what ideas I can. And I watch all the brightly colored fish, flitting about so temptingly, just as longingly as a mischievous cat. Wishing I could catch them all between my paws.
World As It Is
And here, am I. Sadly watching as my favorite places sell out to the popular crowd. Pretty soon, every where in the commercial world will be a proper ray of sunshine. Artificial sunshine. Bright. Shiny. Soulless. Where then, will we go? We, of the independent thought. Those of us who give a damn about something other than simple contentment for just our selves. Are there enough of us left in this world to save it when it goes under? When it drowns in pool of bottle blonde look-a-likes? I wonder, sometimes.....
Only time will tell. Only time. Until then, I wander. Filled with sorrow and despair. And, oh look.... pretty skullys!