
Untiy, Not Conformity

Just think about it for a minute. No, really. Think. What does the word 'unity' mean to you? What about peace? What about love? So many people preach it. Peace, love, and understanding. But what does it really mean? I hear people in church proclaiming to love their neighbor. And the same people curse their neighbor who is gay or lesbian. I see people out protesting the war. Asking for peace. I see the same people starting riots. And I just don't get it. So I want people to think.

Since when was love something you gave only to people who agree with your way of life? Since when was peace something that could only be shared between friends? When did 'love thy neighbor' become 'love they neighbor only if they are like you'? And we all do it. Maybe not intentionally. Maybe just out of instinct. Maybe out of habit. Maybe out of fear. But I want that to change.

Unity, not conformity. It means that we can all live united, even when we don't agree. It means that peace is something that doesn't have to be bought with wars. It means 'listen' and it means 'share'. It means 'no fear'. I don't want to start a major revolution. I just want people to learn to live. How much of your life is lived in fear and sorrow. And who is to blame for it? Is it your gay neighbor's fault for not living the way you do? Is it the Wicca family down the street? Is it the government making choices for you? No! These things may affect you, but only because you let them.

You can try and place the blame all you want. But you know the truth of it is that you let it get this way. It's your fault, and it's my fault, and it's every one's fault. We could have done something. But we didn't. It's time to change that. It's not to late to change. Keep an open mind. Listen to people. Listen to the world. Listen to yourself. And just think.

Unity. Not Conformity.


Rowan said...

I think maybe unity is an ideal that people strive for, but I don't think it's actually attainable. Harmony is maybe the best we can hope for, and it's a pretty good thing. And you know how I feel about the things Christians do in His name, the cruel, ignorant---well anyway.
One of my big gripes with my parental units is that they never change. I've never heard either one of them change their minds about anything. ever. no growth. look at what they're missing!
I'll be 53 on my birthday next month, and the one thing I won't want to hear is "you haven't changed at all!". omg, please let that not ever be true of me.

Sparrow said...

It's true that nothing in humanity is perfect. Not even our ideals. Really all I want is for people to think. Think about what the words mean. Think about what they want.

As for change. Change is good. We should welcome it, not fear it as so many do. Change is a part of human existence. We need it.